30 November 2009

Leaving Home

A few last-minute chores here in California before I leave on a red-eye tonight for New York City. All of clothes to wash, a skirt to mend, an essay for Art History to finish writing and to print out, embroidery floss to pack up (I daresay I may have discovered a new favourite hobby!), pictures and music to transfer to my Macbook form the family computer (all the Europe pictures and my Decemberists albums somehow missed the summer media transfer), a mix CD to make for my Papa for his guitar students, a set of wonderful Grandparents to visit and say goodbye to, and a lunch to pack. I don't really want to be leaving home, but I comfort myself in knowing that I'll be back in California in three weeks or so. It's going to be a hectic three weeks, too. Conference Weeks have begun.

I wonder if it will snow in New York before I leave.

The beginning of December always makes me feel a little strange and melancholy. I just want to isolate myself with massive quantities of lavender tea and the Sigur Rós () album on repeat. But I have too much to do to do said isolating.

For the record, one of my favourite bloggers has just published a wonderful list of homemade holiday gift tutorials. I plan on using a couple of these this holiday season...

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